Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bi-Weekly Weigh In : February 6th, 2014

*going back to bi-weekly weigh ins to keep me motivated*

Starting BMI:  27.0 (computed here)
Height:  6'1"
Starting weight: 205 lbs
Goal weight:  180 lbs (for now)

Previous weight: 202
Current weight: 196.5

Last BMI: 26.6
Current BMI: 25.9
Goal BMI:  23.7

Pounds Lost: 0
Total Pounds Lost:  8.5
Pounds until goal:  16.5

1.  Reiterate my goal(s) and where I stand in reference to this goal.

- I am doing pretty good on my calorie intake focus.  Now I need to work on my exercise focus.
- Focus on end goal and building willpower.  Put off and put away the junk food and empty calories.  I want to be healthy and eat healthy so that I can teach my children good habits as well.
-  Well our IVF FET was successful...yeah!  So I haven't been hitting the calorie counting as much.  I am still trying to focus on healthy eating and fruits and veggies.  I want to start doing light/moderate exercise and yoga or something to keep some semblance of exercise.

2.  Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals.

-  I started using MyFitnessPal with the New Year (ask me for my username if you need a buddy)
-  I will follow up on my thyroid medicine if needed.
-  Work towards getting some exercise in each week and then increasing this.
-  Signed up for Bountiful Baskets in my area again (more fruits and veggies) 
-  I will only eat one refined sugar type sweet/dessert each week (focus in here again)
-  I will do my best to not bring sweets into my home; grocery shop smart
-  I will learn more about portions and portion control
-  Drink more water; drink water when I want to snack; No more soda (focus more here also)

3.  Try to motivate others to join in on trying to become more healthy.

-  Jeff is doing a "biggest loser" type competition at work.  I hope this helps us motivate each other.  I still want to learn more on portions and weight watcher type advice from my good friend.

4.  Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I've tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out, a photo update of my weight loss or anything else I feel like sharing.

- I'm a little disappointed that I haven't lost any weight this time but also know that it's okay considering where I'm at right now.  I do want to make sure I get exercise in no matter how little or light it might be.

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