Sunday, June 24, 2012

Starting Stats

Starting BMI:  25.9  (computed here)
Starting weight: 196 lbs
Goal weight:  170 lbs (maybe more if I reach this)

Last week's weight: -----
Current weight:  196 lbs

Last week's BMI: -----
Current BMI:  25.9
Goal BMI:  22.4

Pounds Lost this week:  ----
Total Pounds Lost:  ----
Pounds until goal: 26 lbs

1.  Reiterate my goal(s) and where I stand in reference to this goal.

I want to become a healthier me.  I know that weight isn't the all-in-all indicator of health but it is a focus I want to work on.

-  Run a 5k by the end of Summer 2013
-  Exercise 2 to 3 times each week
-  Eat healthier and practice portion control and self control
-  Eat more natural food and less refined sugar (one dessert or sweet each week)

2.  Discuss what I am going to do to achieve my goals.

-  I will only eat one sweet/dessert each week
-  I will learn more about portions and portion control
-  I will eat more fruits and vegetables and practice healthy meal planning
-  I will exercise and try to find family, friends and others to join

3.  Try to motivate others to join in on trying to become more healthy.

-  I am inviting my husband to join me.  He will benefit from better cooking but we've talked about being "better" for a while.
-  I will try to invite friends and others to also practice healthier habits

4.  Post a (reasonably healthy) recipe that I've tried, a cooking tip, a new idea for working out, a photo update of my weight loss or anything else I feel like sharing.

- I took a "starter" photo we'll see if it makes it up on this post.

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